Ferrari 275 GTB/4

09363 1967
Ferrari 275 GTB/4, LHD 
Rosso rubino/nero
Date Result Event Driver # Reference
1967 - Sorlin, Paris, F via Franco-Britannic Autos, Paris, F  
196. - Krembs, Meudon, F
197. - heavily crashed in a serious road accident by Krembs
197. - Alain Garnier, F (workshop & junkyard owner, later of 250 GTO-Replica fame based on GTE's)


Alain Garnier had 3 Ferrari 275 GTB/4 at the same time in his shop. It seems likely that this is the reason for  - at least - swapped identities between 09363 & 10195 in the past. 

See 10195 for additional information 


10195 (or is this car 09363?)

.... - Sidney Franck, F "4292VE 06"
1994/apr/13-16 Tour de France Auto Sidney Franck /
Margaret Kemp

1996 - displayed at Musée de l'Automobiliste, Mougins, F - yellow

"4292VE 06" 
1999/jan - offered for sale asking FF 1,900,000.-  
2001/dec - offered by Vincent Lasser's - yellow



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