We are driving on the pit straight
which is a bit down hill in fifth gear
at 250 km/h when we approach turn
1, the braking area is bumpy and
we do not want to lock the front
wheels and miss the apex, so a
little careful, we brake just a little
bit, down one gear and turn right. |
Thanks God, or unfortunately,
(whatever point of view we look at
it)!! The lap is completed. We only
have to make 95 of those to
complete one driving stint!! |
As soon as possible, just after the
turn-in we want to go back on the
throttle. The speed is high and we
have to keep it like that. About in
the middle of the corner the road
starts to climb and we are
squeezed on the seat. The car has
a lot of grip and it is a great feeling
to be on board. |
Turn two and three are really tricky.
It is a left-right change of direction
on top of the hill where the car gets
really light. We are at 220 km/h
and we brake for turn three as late
as we can. We should not forget
that braking in a change of direction
and with the car getting light
because of being on top of the hill
is not the easiest thing to do! |
If all went well we go back on the
power from third gear going downhill
in a long left-hander (turn four) in
acceleration. Fantastic feeling. We
have to be very precise, though,
because the road is narrow and
very much downhill. Right-hander
still in acceleration, we are now in
fifth gear at 250 km/h ready for turn
five. Again a very difficult bit where
precision is a must! We just had a
compression because now the road
goes again uphill when we have to
brake for this narrow but quite fast
left hand turn (five). |
The most important thing here is
not to scrub speed too much when
we downshift to third and to go on
the power as soon as we can
because there is quite a long
straight in front of us and don’t
forget that we are uphill! |
In the main straight we have some
time to relax and look at the on
board instruments. After a couple of
ups and downs we reach the speed
of nearly 300 km/h when we
approach the last chicane, this is a
potential overtaking point but the
fact that is going down hill and that
the road is quite bumpy does not
make our life easy. |
Second gear for the left hander and
quickly in third for the next one (our
electro-pneumatic shifting on the
steering wheel is making our life a
lot easier) we start going up quite
steeply again for only a hundred
meters or so before the most
fascinating part of the track. Turn
eleven, we are in a blind place with
the road bending to the right and
the turning-in point is really difficult. |
The downhill section that follows is
more like a free fall, accelerating
through the gears into turn twelve
which is just flat in fifth gear at 240
km/h. What a corner. |
We are in a really nice hilly area
full of green where we would like to
have a house. But instead of our
house there is the race track! |